Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Writer's Digest Bootcamp, again!

As summer winds down the book business always picks up, and I made a high, five figure deal recently with Minotaur for a debut crime thriller, COLLECTING THE DEAD by Spencer Kope.  Stay tuned…

Today we are going to be online with writers asking us questions for our third Writer's Digest University Bootcamp Seminar - HOW TO CRAFT QUERY LETTERS, OPENING PAGES, SYNOPSES AND NON-FICTION THAT GET NOTICED!  We are looking forward to working with the writers that have signed up, and we will be critiquing their first ten pages with their query letters for the next ten days :-)

Happy Fall to all - keep writing and don't get discouraged.  There are lots of great agents that want to find new voices…


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

LAMENTATION Library Journal Review

The reviews for my author Joe Clifford's book keep on coming.  LAMENTATION received a review in Library Journal.  Congratulations, Joe!