Kimberley's author Earl Merkel, author of several books out through Diversion Books, asked me to do a segment for his radio show, "The Book, With Earl Merkel." As a friend of Earl's on Facebook, I had the notion he'd let me do something funny, creative. I so love humor.
My spot, "How to Seduce an Agent," is not for kids. It's not really for my parents either. Maybe not even for my brothers. If you're a serious writer, and can get around all the sexual innuendo, it might be for you. There is a message at its heart. But be forewarned, this is 100% adult content. If you are offended easily, please don't listen in.
Earl says some folks at the NSA are regular listeners. If so, I hope to land a date with one of them. I don't have any clients who are former NSA. (This comment will make sense if you listen in).
Earl's show airs live at 6 p.m. PDT and 9 p.m. EDT. To watch Earl's show, simply click here. A few moments after the show airs, it will be archived and available at the same link above. The show/archive address is also listed on the show poster below. I hope you enjoy!
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Dear Readers - welcome to our blog - it's been a busy summer with the Mystery Book Passage and Willamette, Portland Conferences... we are now offering our unique services to help you master the Submission Process! Please see below and sign up! It's happening this month...
The Gang at KC & A
Categories: Chuck Sambuchino's Guide to Literary Agents
Blog, Getting Published, Webinars, What's New.
When your submission materials – a query letter, synopsis, manuscript,
or book proposal – arrive in an agent’s inbox, they land among hundreds of
others. Our all-new August 2013 Writer’s Digest Boot Camp is designed to help
you streamline your submission materials to stand out in a good way. Attendees will learn how to write a dynamite
query letter, tackle a one-page synopsis (for fiction) and a book proposal (for
nonfiction). The instructing literary agents will also explain the importance
of author platform in addition to basic etiquette in dealing with an agent and
manuscript basics.
Lastly, all attendees will have an opportunity to interact
one-on-one with an agent at Kimberley Cameron & Associates and submit 10
double-spaced pages of materials (in any combination–query, synopsis, book
proposal, first pages of your manuscript) for valuable feedback provided by
successful literary agents. It all happens starting Aug. 26, 2013. WD Boot
Camps often sell out, and there is a limited number of seats. Sign up for the
boot camp here.
Agent One-on-One: How to Craft Query Letters & Other
Submission Materials That Get Noticed Bootcamp: 8/26/13 – 8/29/13. There are
175 available seats.
Here’s how it works:
On August 26, you will gain access to a special 60-minute
online tutorial presented by literary agents Kimberley Cameron and Elizabeth
Kracht. This tutorial will provide nuts & bolts advice on how to help you
streamline your submission materials—including the query letter, novel
synopsis, nonfiction book proposal, and first pages.
After listening to the presentation, attendees will spend
the next two days revising materials as necessary. Following the tutorial,
writers will have two days in which to log onto the blackboard and ask your
assigned agent critiquer questions related to revising your materials. The
agents will be available on the blackboard from 1-3 p.m. (PDT) on both Tuesday,
August 27 and Wednesday, August 28. By end of day (11:59 p.m., PDT) on
Thursday, August 29, attendees will submit up to 10 double-spaced pages for
review to their assigned agents. These pages can include any combination of
double-spaced query, synopsis, book proposal, or pages of their manuscript.
The agents will spend one week reviewing all assigned pages,
provide relevant feedback and offer suggestions to help attendees improve upon
them. The agents reserve the right to request more materials if they feel a
strong connection to the work and want to read more.
Critique options explained:
The agents at Kimberley Cameron & Associates are
allowing all attendees to individually choose exactly what they want to receive
instructor feedback on. The total amount of material you can submit is ten
pages of double-spaced material.
If submitting a query letter: Keep the query letter to 2-4
pages in length, double-spaced. (One single-spaced page is the recommended
industry standard, which would be two double-spaced pages for the purposes of
this boot camp.) While you can indeed turn in one single-spaced page of a query
letter (equaling the same length as two double-spaced pages), submitting two
double-spaced pages is preferred simply so that the agents can quickly verify
the length of submitted materials to make sure that neither too much nor too
little material was turned in.
If submitting a synopsis: Keep the novel/memoir synopsis to
2-4 pages in length, double-spaced. (One single-spaced page is the recommended
industry standard, which would be two double-spaced pages for the purposes of
this boot camp.)
If submitting book proposal text or manuscript pages: Please
make sure to only turn in the exact number of pages allowed. For example, if
you turn in a two-page query as well as a synopsis that runs on to a third
page, the maximum number of manuscript pages allowed for critique will be
five—thus equaling ten double-spaced pages total.
If there are questions about how to submit work for
critique, please ask them during the boot camp’s multiple Blackboard Q&A
sessions, and either an agent or WD staffer can help you with an answer. Please
note that agents cannot edit materials a second time, so please do not send
your revisions back to them for a second review, unless they have specifically
requested more work from you in an effort to consider your book for
Monday, August 26th: Online Tutorial
Tuesday, August 27th: Agent Blackboard Q&A 1:00 PM to
3:00 PM (PDT)
Wednesday, August 28th: Agent Blackboard Q&A 1:00 PM to
3:00 PM (PDT)
Thursday, August 29th: Submit Ten Double-Spaced Pages by EOD
(11:59 pm PDT)
Thursday, September 5th: Agent Critiques Due
Only registered students can access the blackboards. You’ll
also be able to ask questions of your fellow students. Feel free to share your
work and gain support from your peers.
Please note that any one of the agents may ask for
additional pages if the initial submission shows serious promise.
In addition to feedback from agents, attendees will also
– Download of “Everything You Need to Know About Literary
Agents,” an on-demand webinar by WD editor Chuck Sambuchino
– 1-year subscription to the literary
agent database
Please note that all attendees should have ten double-spaced
pages (of any combination–query, synopsis, book proposal, first pages of
manuscript) finished and ready to submit to the agent prior to the beginning of
the event. If attendees have a preferred agent they want to work with, please
notify the assigning WD editor. Though not guaranteed, we will try to link
attendees with a preferred agent if they have one.
About the Agents:
Kimberley was educated at Marlborough School for Girls in
Los Angeles, Humboldt State University, and Mount St. Mary’s College. She began
her literary career as an agent trainee at the Marjel de Lauer Agency in
association with Jay Garon in New York and worked for several years at MGM
developing books for motion pictures. She was the co-founder of Knightsbridge
Publishing Company with offices in New York and Los Angeles. In 1993 Kimberley
became partners with Dorris Halsey of The Reece Halsey Agency, founded in 1957.
Among its clients have been Aldous Huxley, William Faulkner, Upton Sinclair,
and Henry Miller. She opened Reece Halsey North in 1995 and Reece Halsey Paris
in 2006. In 2009 the agency became Kimberley Cameron & Associates.
Kimberley resides and works from Tiburon, California and Paris, France, with many
visits to New York to make the rounds of editorial offices. She is looking for
exceptional writing in any field, particularly writing that touches the heart,
and makes us feel something. She’s been successful with many different genres,
and especially loves the thrill of securing representation for debut authors.
She represents both fiction and nonfiction manuscripts, with the exception of
romance, children’s books and screenplays.
Elizabeth Kracht represents both literary and commercial
fiction as well as nonfiction, and brings to the agency experience as a former
acquisitions editor, freelance publicist and writer. Elizabeth’s career in
publishing took root in Puerto Rico where she completed her BA in English and
worked as a copyeditor for an English-language newspaper. When she returned to
the mainland she found her “vein of gold” in book publishing. She thrives on
working closely with authors and researching the potential market for new
books. Elizabeth’s eclectic life experience drives her interests. She
appreciates writing that has depth, an introspective voice or that offers
wisdom for contemporary living. Having lived in cities such as New York, San
Francisco and San Juan, Puerto Rico, she is compelled by urban and multicultural
themes and loves settings that are characters unto themselves. In fiction, she
represents literary, commercial, women’s, thrillers, mysteries, and YA with
crossover appeal. She is intrigued by untrustworthy narrators, tragic tales of
class and circumstance, and identifies with flawed yet sterling characters. In
nonfiction, she particularly loves memoir and other narrative nonfiction
projects that contribute to the well-being of the self or others in addition to
niche projects that fill holes in the market, offer a fresh approach, or make
her laugh. She also has a soft spot for nonfiction heroic pet stories.
Amy Cloughley came to Kimberley Cameron & Associates
with a background in editing, writing, and marketing. She seeks authors with
unique, clear voices who put forth smart, tightly-written prose. As a new
agent, she is now actively building her client list with both debut and veteran
writers. She enjoys literary and upmarket fiction of all types in addition to
commercial—including well-researched historical and well-told women’s fiction.
She also loves a page-turning mystery, suspense, or thriller with sharp wit and
unexpected twists and turns. She has a soft spot for distinctive, strong,
contemporary characters set in small towns. Amy always looks for an unexpected
story arc, a suitable pace, and a compelling protagonist. She is interested in
narrative nonfiction when the plot and characters are immersed in a culture,
lifestyle, discipline, or industry. She will also consider a travel or adventure
memoir. Amy has studied creative writing, journalism, and literature and holds
a B.S. in magazine journalism. She worked in editorial and marketing roles in
magazine publishing and corporate business before shifting her professional
focus to her lifelong love of books. She leverages her background in both words
and business to benefit her clients.
Pooja Menon represents both fiction and nonfiction for Adult
and YA markets. Her passion for reading inspired her to acquire a BA in Literature
and Media from England. Her love for writing then took her to Los Angeles where
she pursued an M.F.A in Fiction from the Otis School of Art and Design. As a
new agent, Pooja is looking to build her client list and is eager for
submissions by debut novelists and veteran writers. She’s looking for writing
that has an easy flow and a timely pacing, along with a unique perspective and
a strong voice. In fiction, she is interested in literary, historical,
commercial, and high-end women’s fiction. However, she’s most drawn to stories
with an international flavor, vibrant characters, multi-cultural themes, and
lush settings. In fantasy, she’s looking for original, layered plots with
worlds as real and alive as the ones that were created by J.K Rowling and Tolkien.
In nonfiction, she’s looking for adventure & travel memoirs, journalism
& human-interest stories, and self-help books addressing relationships and
the human psychology from a fresh perspective. In YA, she’s looking for stories
that deal with the prevalent issues that face teenagers today. She is also
interested in fantasy, magical-realism, and historical fiction.
Ethan Vaughan joined Kimberley Cameron & Associates
after completing a summer internship with Folio Literary Management in New
York. He is a lifelong bookworm who’s looking for that manuscript that will
make him believe in magic again. In fantasy and science fiction manuscripts
Ethan is very selective and particularly looks for believable characters,
unique premises, and the integration of mythology into modern life (think the
Percy Jackson series). He has a soft spot for quirky, under-the-radar stories
like And Having Writ…and The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul. Ethan is also
looking for literary fiction, horror, historical fiction, accessible historical
non-fiction (Cleopatra: A Life is a good example), well-done political
literature, and women’s fiction. Ethan graduated from George Mason University
with a degree in government and international politics. First professionally
published at thirteen, he has written for most of his life and before joining
Kimberley Cameron & Associates worked as a journalist covering politics and
popular culture. He is actively searching for new voices.
Gunn's Transcedental Receives a Starred Review!
Kirkus gave TRANSCENDENTAL a starred review. We are all very proud of James Gunn!
"First novel
in quite a while (Gift from the Stars, 2005, etc.) from writer/anthologist
A galactic
civilization, weary of centuries of war—the latest caused by upstart humans
intruding on space occupied by other alien races—tries to get on with business
despite the stultifying bureaucracy that seems to run things. War veteran
Riley, at loose ends following the conflict, accepts a job offer from powerful
and mysterious employers—who implant in his head a know-it-all artificial
intelligence which he cannot remove and which has the means to force him to
obey instructions. He will join beings from many different worlds aboard a ship
guided by an unknown prophet who can help them achieve transcendence. Riley’s
orders, however, are to kill the prophet rather than permit aliens to transcend.
Deadly violence flares among the travelers, however, before the ship even
departs. The captain, Hamilton Jones, with whom Riley served during the war,
admits he doesn’t know their destination and periodically receives new
coordinates from somebody aboard. Among Riley’s fellow travelers are Tordor, a
massive, heavy-planet alien; the weasellike Xi; an intelligent plant known as
4107; and Asha, a human female who needs no sleep and has other strange
capabilities. As the ship heads for the Great Gulf between the galaxy’s spiral
arms, the travelers—like Riley, most, if not all, have hidden agendas—relate
tales of themselves and their races. But violence is a constant threat; the
tales may be simple truth, calculated disinformation or anything in between.
And why are Riley’s employers so intent on stopping the prophet? Impeccably
plotted, with absorbing human and alien characters and back stories, Gunn’s
narrative expertly cranks up the tension and paranoia as, piece by piece,
answers emerge.
Gunn’s best in years—quite
possibly his best ever."
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Picturing DREAMWIELDER by Garrett Calcaterra
As a writer, you have a certain vision of your world and your characters, but you never can tell if your words convey that vision to the reader, so when I got a chance to work with artist Patrick Williams I jumped at the opportunity. What you see here is Patrick's take on the Dreamwielder cast—Makarria, Taera, and Caile, and the antagonists Guderian and Wulfram—as well as a few of the steampunk contraptions from the book. In exchange for his excellent artwork, I gladly provided Patrick some script editing work on the epic Norse comic book he's creating. It was a great pleasure working with him and I hope all of you enjoy his Dreamwielder artwork as much I do. To see more of Patrick's artwork, please visithis website by clicking here.
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Mystery Conference Was a Success!
Kelli Stanley and Kimberley on break at Book Passage. |
Liz and Mary at the faculty party. |
Liz and Kimberley at the faculty party. |
The KC&A crew. |
Amy Cloughley,
Book Passage,
D. P. Lyle,
Elizabeth Kracht,
Isabel Allende,
Kimberley Cameron,
Mary C. Moore,
writers conference
Monday, August 5, 2013
Amy at Book Passage Travel Writers & Photographers Conference this Weekend!
Amy Cloughley will be on the faculty for the Book Passage Travel Writers & Photographers Conference August 8-11. She will sit on a panel Saturday at 2:00 and will be doing one-on-one consultations throughout the conference. If you will be attending, be sure to come say hello!
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